Chris Bleicher
Born and raised in Munich, Germany. My father painted and had a technical profession. My mother wrote poems. I was encouraged and supported in art efforts by both my mother and father. After attending a convent school I successfully completed a bank training. Than I spent some years as a free lance worker while being active at the same time as an artist to the arts in order to dedicate myself completely to art afterwards. My art is my passion and is inspired by my many exotic travels: Africa, Asia, Canada, Caribbean, China, India, Middle- and South America, South Seas and the USA. A few years ago South Korea is added. The first trip there with neon art in the luggage was also adventurous because nobody spoke English. Communication with the museum people was just possible with translation app here. Through my artwork I want to express "joy of living", stimulate the fantasy and promote a positive attitude with colors and shapes. I believe in experiamentalism, exposing in my art the exotic, erotic, ecological and humorous. I am generally the zeitgeist 8-15 years ahead, for example I am the first (neon) artist in Germany who started to paint (animal) urns & (animal) coffins: Urn Art. I was also with my LiveCam project "peepart" 17 years ahead of today's current trend "World Live on the Net"!